Libby Wheatcroft, Fine Art (BA), is an emerging multimedia artist, living and working in East London. 

Libby’s Practise:

Libby's practice engages with a range of concepts and mediums, often exploring post-modern identity and the contemporary reality of the digital experience through an autobiographical lens. She illustrates her ADHD through her complex creation process and busy colourful paintings. Libby’s process is very explorative and acts as a a form of therapy for the neurodivergent artist  as she isolates and reclaims her unorthodox creation processes.

Photography plays a crucial role in Libby’s creative process and is the starting point, and rawest stage of her practise. She goes on to manipulate imagery in Photoshop creating digital collages. Libby takes screen shots throughout this process acting as physical checkpoints, to capture the journey of her experimental, intuitive processes. She often re-contextualises these process images, adapting and working them into her final designs, paying homage to the creative journey.

Libby then paints from the collages, returning to the traditional medium of oil paint for its finality, and therapeutic qualities, bringing a high level of technique as a medium she is expertly trained in. 


Loughborough University (2018-2021) 

Fine Art BA [Hons] - 2:1

Oaklands College (2016-2017)

Art and Design Diploma - Distinction

Beaumont School (2009-2016)

A Levels : Art: A, Photography: A


2024 - Group exhibition, ‘CURTAINS’, at The Alchemy Experiment, 2nd - 26th May

2022 - Solo exhibition, ‘Everything the hour before it starts’, London, Solo installation in videos, sound, animation and collage mediums 

2022 - Group exhibition, Beyond the Bubble, Gallerie V, Cambridge. Group exhibition focussing around the emotion of Nostalgia, Presented in a video and sound installation.

2021 - Exhibition, “Attention!” by Elizabeth Wheatcroft, Good to Go Festival, Theatre Deli, London.
This was a solo installation simulating my experience of ADHD through an immersive video and sound experience 

2021 - Commissioned artist, ‘The neurodivergent project’, 1 of 6 artist chosen to submit works to educate on the neurodivergent spectrum. I submitted a collage video 

2018 - Collaborative exhibition, The space between, Welcome Mat Gallery, Loughborough University 

2019 - 6 person group exhibition, Container project, Public exhibition in Loughborough town centre


2024 - CASS art runner up award for ‘Save for Later’ featuring in ‘CURTAINS’ exhibition.


2022 - Video campaign for SLXWorld fashion campaign, ‘Bloom’ collection 

2022 - Bespoke commissioned garment for music artist Rejjie Snow

2021 - Ad campaign for Footlocker, encouraging sustainability, in the medium of painting.

2021 - Animated advert for crypto currency, Epic cash, created in the medium of 2D animation